About Caring Aid:

Our Objectives

With the help of your donations


In Africa, UK and elsewhere, our objects are to:
Help those in need due to poverty or poor health
by projects that help people to be self-sufficient
in rural and urban communities
through sponsoring education, and micro-enterprise,
physical and social healthcare and health education
for the poor and vulnerable, the disabled, and the homeless

About Caring Aid:

Our Objectives

With the help of your donations


In Africa, UK and elsewhere, our objects are to:
Help those in need due to poverty or poor health
by projects that help people to be self-sufficient
in rural and urban communities
through sponsoring education, and micro-enterprise,
physical and social healthcare and health education
for the poor and vulnerable, the disabled, and the homeless

About: Our Objectives


To help those in need due to poverty, disability, marginalization, ill health, or lack of educational or employment opportunities.
To enable and motivate people, especially the poor and less privileged, to live respectable and dignified lives through advancing resources, education, and training at all levels.
In UK, Africa and elsewhere
In accordance with Christian principles.


History and Background of Caring Aid


Caring Aid, and our vision and values, originate from the work of Archbishop Charles Heery, an Irish missionary in Nigeria who founded our parent organisation, the Congregation of the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Mother of Christ (CSOTIHOMMC) (UK Registered Charity No. 1114445). We originally functioned through the Philanthropic Development Office (PDO) of this charity, but are now a distinct charity focusing on distinct projects worldwide.



Vibrant, healthy, and prosperous communities enjoying opportunities for education and  self-empowerment.



Caring Aid apply our values through developing and fundraising for projects around the world.

Our values are to regard all humanity as equal in the eyes of God, and equally deserving of dignity, opportunity and love. For us it is important that people know they are cared for, and therefore compassion and respect are our key values.


History and Background of Caring Aid


Caring Aid, and our vision and values, originate from the work of Archbishop Charles Heery, an Irish missionary in Nigeria who founded our parent organisation, the Congregation of the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Mother of Christ (CSOTIHOMMC) (UK Registered Charity No. 1114445). We originally functioned through the Philanthropic Development Office (PDO) of this charity, but are now a distinct charity focusing on distinct projects worldwide.



Vibrant, healthy, and prosperous communities enjoying opportunities for education and  self-empowerment.



Caring Aid apply our values through developing and fundraising for projects around the world.

Our values are to regard all humanity as equal in the eyes of God, and equally deserving of dignity, opportunity and love. For us it is important that people know they are cared for, and therefore compassion and respect are our key values.

About: Latest Annual Report

2022 Annual Report


Help for the Disabled

Located in Onitsha, Nigeria


Help for the Disabled

Located in Onitsha, Nigeria


Community Independence

We provide sewing machines, cooking materials, agricultural tools.
Skills training for farmworkers and health workers.
Help communities to be self-sustaining.


Christmas Dinners

For orphan children in rural Kenya


For the homeless in Stockton-on-Tees, UK


Christmas Dinners

For orphan children in rural Kenya


For the homeless in Stockton-on-Tees, UK


Click here to donate to our projects


Click here to donate to our general funds and administration

Prayer Request

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